Sourdough Bread Making Workshop w/ Miche Bread | kb-dev
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Sourdough Bread Making Workshop w/ Miche Bread


November 13, 2:30-5pm

Learn how to make naturally leavened and fermented sourdough bread from home-milled heritage grains with Sandeep Gyawali of Miche Bread.

In this workshop you will learn hands-on technique of kneading a live sourdough cultured bread, made from home-milled heirloom organic grains. Sandeep will demonstrate how he mills the grains, forms the dough and explain the values of using heritage grains and the home fermentation process. 

Go home with your own sourdough starter kit and start making bread from home!

Due to high volume interest to this workshop, please give us a call to reserve your seat at 512-375-4239.  

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